The picture says it all. For those who don't know, Ed Reed is an NFL safety for the Baltimore Ravens and a perennial Pro-Bowler
Sophomore Duke Taylor resembles The Hulk in appearance and has been known to give some Hulk-like performances in the weight room. You be the judge.
This is all for fun so I hope you got a good laugh. Feel free to send any future look-a-like suggestions to EastCantonHive@gmail.com
The Rep had a nice write about about the girls coach, Tom Davis
those are pretty accurate
I'm asking myself: Who's arms are bigger? Macho Man or Spurgeon
well those pictures are hilarious && im sure everyone is aware of this but were 6-0 YEPP!!GO HORNETS GET SOME :)
those are hilarious look a likes my man, Luke look a like gotta work on those peck muscles
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