The leading scorer for the Hornets was Burfield with 22, including 5 3-pointers. Watching him hold his follow through after a nothing-but-netter, I can't help but think about the saying my parents would say to me when I made an ugly face as a child: “If you make that face too long, it's going to get stuck like that.” Ryan, I love watching you hold your follow through after a stroke to reaffirm your shooting superiority to all the rest of us, but please don't get stuck like that. We've already had too many injury scares.
The JV team got another win, beating Windham 55-47. Scoring for the Hornets was Shultz and Taylor with 14 and Whitacre with 13. If the varsity keeps winning, stories in the newspapers will start to be a regular thing. That means I won't have to write the story lines for the varsity, having the luxury of only giving my insight. Maybe the JV will get a little more love with less time being spent describing the varsity...
Windham didn't have their varsity coach for the game last night. He was ejected during the JV game for reasons I'm not sure of. Who has details on this?
The Hornets really rely heavily on 3-point shooting. Through 11 games, East Canton has made 18 more 3-pointers than their opponents. They have made 69 total, a 6.27 per game average. However, no two man group of Hornets can beat the coaches in a 3-point shoot out.
I'm wagging my finger at the East Canton student section. I found it silly for East Canton's student body to even engage the Windham faithful. Hornet fans traded chants with a traveling group of about 1 ½ rows of students. Be loud, creative, inspiring, and all that but don't feel the need to overpower a weaker group just because you can. You look more like a bully than anything else. I know you have never cheered for an 11-0 team before, but sometimes you got to be a snob. Now that I'm done criticizing, who has pictures of the white out I can post? Send em to
Great teams are the result of great chemistry. Too much focus on individual stats and kudos sows the seeds of discord. There are 11guys on the Hornets roster, and each contributes, including the guys on the bench who come in when they're needed. The Hornets will win or loose this year together, not separately. Individual honors come at the end of the season. Go Hornets! You're a great TEAM!!
a big fan
Windham coach being "ejected" was the single biggest travesty in a gymnasium I have ever witnessed. Would have finished tied for first yesterday with coach Davis had there been a "most widely respected basketball coach and person of character within 15 miles of East Canton last night" award. (before any anonymous people start taking me too seriously.....I am sure coach Spurgeon would have been third)
Referee clearly handled situation poorly (travesty reference above), and wouldn't admit to it until he was miles away and could do so safely from his cell phone.
Good Luck Bombers the rest of the way...they are easy to respect and easy to cheer for because of the way they play.....just like our guys.
Obsevations, News, and Notes:
1. Since I spent much of the night sequestered in the back hallway with administrators, coaches, and referees I missed everything that could possibly be entertaining.
But, I did see the following snippets that make me appreciate what a great team these guys are:
-Zell had a drive to the basket that drew three defenders and he hooked a pass out to a wide-open Burfield for a "look what I found I think I will hold my follow through until Sunday" three pointer. Love the play. Love the confidence. Love the chemistry.
-When things were going horribly early, you could not see it in their effort or body language. That is a sign of toughness that visibly bothers the other team even though they are on a run. "why aren't these guys upset?" "how come they aren't arguing?" "why do they just look through me like I'm not here" For movie buffs like me, I reference "Cinderella Man" where he smiles and buts his mouth piece back in after a vicious hit, and "Glory" where they try to discipline Denzel Washington by whipping him and he stares defiantly at the Major the whole time while barely flinching. That mental toughness and refusal to rattle will be invaluable down the stretch.
-favorite play of the year is actually a Joe Cartwright turnover. he stole the ball late in the game and turned it over trying to get Duke Taylor a shot in the varsity game. That should quell any concerns of the first poster that this team will experience any discord. We can talk about any one and any thing we want....those guys will play for each other. We are all insignificant. The play (turnover and all) was all about what makes this team special.....great leadership.
Great point, Sam. This team never bickers back and forth with one another or gets overly frustrated. They just put their hard hats back on and go back to work. Admirable quality in a team, or should I say TEAM
Well.. I'm not a professional writer.. But I do use big words if I can spell them. Going to remain anonymous in case I make any spelling/ grammar errors that can be used against me.
First, thanks Matt for extending the joy of basketball into post-game discourse. Love the blog spot..
Second, kudos, cheers, props, thumbs up.. Whatever language you the basketball program as a whole...from the grass roots of elementary and middle school the high school teams we are supporting today! None of this would be happening without the dedication of individuals who just want to let the kids play some ball. Without getting too sappy, you people know who you are... Spending your own time and money to ensure the continuance of a stellar program that EC can be proud of. Thank you for all that you do.
Third, I know the previous anonymous post suggested that there have possibly been too many mentions of individual stats.. I respect your whole "there is no "I" in "team" approach.. But come on... If you are a big fan you've been to the games..That's not how things roll. Coach Spurgeon has done an excellent job developing the cohesiveness of these young men.. They think about each other and with each other... It's obvious in the way they play. It's ok to celebrate individual success as well as team victories.
Things I have noticed...
Other than great basketball..
Coach Spurgeon has interesting side line behavior.. Take, for instance, his ability to keep his anger in check when the refs make questionable calls by performing 360 jumps in the air.. Not unlike Gregory Hines in a retro White Knights kind of way.. All while managing to not bite his knuckle off upon landing... Nice:) Maybe it's the absence of full length
socks that make him so light on his feet...
Also, doesn't East Canton have THREE principals? There is a continued noticeable absence of one at every athletic event....
I can't tell whether the first anonymous poster was referring to too much individual emphasis in the games by the players or on this blog??
I assumed they meant on the blog...
Greatjob hornets you are 11-0 and state bound, i feel the hornets are the best team in ohio possibly the nation. I feel our hornets could beat the nets. If it wasn't for our elusive coach, we couldn't of made it this far. Let's talk about SMITH that kid is a straight up powerhouse. He is literally the most athletic player on the team. Then burfield he can just swish 3's like it's his job. I feel that as an observer this team is going to change the game of basketball as we know it. This is the best team in 75 years. We are bound for greatness. I feel that MALVERN should be freakin out. Even if they still had TUCCI we would still win.
I also feel that other than the student section the adult section should stand up and go crazy too. I don't care if their disabled or not i want them screaming so loud that their dentures fall out. Lets be proud of our school and come to the games. Josh Smith is the Next LEBRON JAMES........ I have to respond:
previous post-er:
Because I am in such a good mood, I will try to keep from having you expelled for lack of common sense.
thank you for your enthusiasm. You are obviously a very astute observer of the game.
everything you wrote is 100% true, except calling Coach Spurgeon elusive....he is clearly reclusive.
and Josh Smith is not the next LeBron James....he is the first Josh Smith. I assume some current 2 year old will become tired of his youth coaches saying "this kid is the next Josh Smith". And I'm no english teacher, but what part of "the most athletic player on the team" wasn't already literal?
They will not be the best team ever unless they play in Columbus, so settle down.
Malvern is ALWAYS freaking out....most likely because they live in Malvern.......they are also very good and well suited to beat us, especially at home. They do still have a Tucci....and several more on the way. It will be a fun game when the time comes. If they are destined to change basketball, let's worry about the PTC first.
While we would all like a loud, crazy adult section, let's refrain from calling them "disabled". Besides, when adults get loud they are usually yelling at kids, coaches, and referees......Maybe we should just let them stay quiet. I have to respond:
previous post-er:
Because I am in such a good mood, I will try to keep from having you expelled for lack of common sense.
thank you for your enthusiasm. You are obviously a very astute observer of the game.
everything you wrote is 100% true, except calling Coach Spurgeon elusive....he is clearly reclusive.
and Josh Smith is not the next LeBron James....he is the first Josh Smith. I assume some current 2 year old will become tired of his youth coaches saying "this kid is the next Josh Smith". And I'm no english teacher, but what part of "the most athletic player on the team" wasn't already literal?
They will not be the best team ever unless they play in Columbus, so settle down.
Malvern is ALWAYS freaking out....most likely because they live in Malvern.......they are also very good and well suited to beat us, especially at home. They do still have a Tucci....and several more on the way. It will be a fun game when the time comes. If they are destined to change basketball, let's worry about the PTC first.
While we would all like a loud, crazy adult section, let's refrain from calling them "disabled". Besides, when adults get loud they are usually yelling at kids, coaches, and referees......Maybe we should just let them stay quiet.
looks like I was twice as passionate as usual....sorry
Stat of the day:
Hornets continue to assault the record for most 3's in a season (130) and Burfield chases David Krider's individual record of 50.
I'm considering putting a filter on the comment function...
Not every comment needs to based on serious thought but, people, let's make sure our thoughts originate in reality. And if your not sure if your thoughts do or do not originate in reality, just ask your buddy (his/her name is anonymous too) and see what they think
Sam, does the 130 record include post-season? or just the 20 regular season?
I will try to ignore the "dentures falling out" remark of the other anonymous poster.Even if they did(fall out) it wouldn't make the Repository. Speaking of news , the RecordCourier , or had some nice things to say.
The Fallspress News also had a nice article.
I prticularly enjoyed the reference to the team being the hottest program in the PTC. It reminded me of a KISS concert i went to some years back.....The hottest band in the land....KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS.
OK.So i listen to old music.But my teeth wont fall out cheering for the team i love so dearly.
includes tournament games. Set in 2007-2008. I would guess it was broken again last year, but until Spurge gets me the stats, 130 is it.
my $.02
shots weren't dropping
kids didn't freak out or rush shots or go half speed
intensity on defense picked up, hornets created a run by playing selfless and solid defense. the pressure up the court was relentless. Even when the bombers broke the press here and there the pressure remained at a high level. IMPRESSIVE
What I feel the most impressive part of the performance friday night was the leadership. Obviously the Joe Cartwright encouraging others to score loudly incident demonstrates this. Also the acceptance of roles by seniors NOT starting to come in and play as hard as if they were starting AND the fact that the bench contributed significantly demonstrates the team concept.
I saw a bench drenched with younger players from the elementary. The program is being displayed by how the younger kids are welcomed and were into what the varsity was doing. This is something I haven't seen in nearly 25 years.
The leadership being demonstrated by the HEAD COACH is priceless. He does not make a scene with each call and coaches his players intensely and consistently even when things aren't necessarily rolling their way.
I haven't seen the gym so populated by fans and former alumni in years.
I think the biggest thanks for turning the program around and bringing such a high level of success to EC should go out to the Coach for having vision and leading the team to work hard even when many for years here thought weight training would hurt the basketball players when in reality it is a main reason EC is having the success they are, the players for giving themselves to the unified goals and working their tails off. Finally the AD who is solid with his support and assistance to the success of the program. As long as these key ingredients are maintained then I see prolonged success.
yeah i know easier said then done.
Walter Sobchak
(how I have to roll - can't remember my password)
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