How about Zell Bradley? Boy, did he just stuff the stat sheet, or what? Not only stats, but he kept the Hornets in the game by making plays when Campbell went on their run early. Zell had 22 points, 11 rebounds, 6 assists and 4 steals. That's 43 tallies in the stat column! There are only 32 minutes in a high school basketball game. He was making a positive contribution on the stat sheet every 45 seconds last night! Zell also went 14-18 from the free throw line, including some clutch makes. This is the same Zell Bradley that teams wanted to intentionally foul early in the fourth quarter to try to take advantage of his perceived lack of free throw shooting. He made those teams pay, and he made Campbell pay. Zell, keep on keeping those stat girls busy
Side note: I write down notes during the game to myself. I have twice written down, "Bradley is doing everything he can to win this game."
Beaven correctly pointed out the match up zone at the end of the game that completely stifled Campbell. Technically it's switching man defense but it had the same effect as a match up zone. It shut down the driving lanes and left Campbell scratching their heads. It was timed perfectly for when it was implemented. Campbell didn't have enough time to make adjustments for it. This was a HUGE factor in the outcome of the game.
Another huge factor was the timely pressing of the Hornets. East Canton picked their spots but it was effective most of the time they went to the presses. It was most evident in a Hornet 6-0 run during the 3rd quarter. The Hornets scored 6 points without letting Campbell get the ball across half court. This turned the score from 29-34 in favor of Campbell, to 35-34 in favor of East Canton.
The Hornets stepped up at the free throw line again. They have had a roller coaster ride from the charity stripe this season but they have picked a good time to hit a peak. Bradley led this way going 14-18. Burfield knocked down 6-9. Cartwright knocked down two in the clutch. Stu hit two more big ones to close out the game. It was just a a solid overall free throw shooting effort by the Hornets
74% of the Hive followers correctly predicted the Hornets to win by under 10 points in our most recent poll. That's impressive
The Rep's Preview
Hornets face the Red Devils for the 4th time. East Canton is currently 2-1 against Campbell Memorial.
Hornets were able to fight through the enormous pressure of "if we lose to St. Thomas, the athletic director might fire coach spurgeon before we leave the court and expel all of us before we get on the bus" and are now free and loose to get after it tonight.
Many years from now, this is one of a handful of games we will definitely talk about no matter what the outcome. The Hornets have played huge in the others (both Streetsboro, Sandy Valley, Malvern, Minerva, and STA. I expect them to do the same tonight.
Ticket sales have been brisk (legend has it that the AD drove to Salem at 7 am to get more adult tickets) and we will hopefully be "loud and proud" as we root on this great team.
See all of you there.
For all of our out of town will stream live on whbc.
Tip is set for 7 pm (but since they introduce everyone in attendance, it is more likely to be 7:10....door should open near 6.
Game Day.......Get Some
Good Luck Hornets!
Best day EVER! Have not slept yet. Got home to a double feature of Blue Chips and is good.
Thanks to all the players and coaches. What great determination and sheer guts. It has been said "if you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always gotten." It is popular for convincing people to change, but it applies here in reverse. You made a commitment years ago to be better and to be different. you had already succeeded when you took the floor last night. You were already special. Now, you are legendary.
I apologize to anyone who I hugged an uncomfortably long time....was not trying to be creepy and disturbing....just celebrating the moment with the best group of guys I've ever been around. I am bursting with pride and love...and obviously quite a bit of pizza.
Go Hornets!! Hey...let's play twice this week!!!!
well put Sam!!! lets go "Get Some" and play on Saturday...
News, Notes, and Observations:
today's edition will be mostly second hand, as I share the things I heard other people say:
AD's father: "Zell's steal was the greatest basketball play I never saw"
Now I know that sounds strange, and it was 4:30 in the morning and he is OLD, but if you were there, you know EXACTLY what he is talking about. As far as I could tell, the ball was taken away in a crowd (which by the way he should not have been in) and before the Campbell student's could begin cheering, Zell spun around in a circle and had the ball back. It literally looked like a cartoon or a magic trick. I will NEVER figure out what happened.
AD's father (2): "I love how Joe Cartwright plays"
I do not mean to sound like an ungrateful son, but reply is "Have you listened to ANYTHING I have said for the last five years?!?! What the hell do you think I've been talking about?!?!"
This reply is normally a horrible idea because when I was starting varsity he was 45 and still better than me, and he once benched me in a 7th grade game for being late to practice even though he was the coach AND he BROUGHT me to practice. However, he is completely oblivious to technology and will never read this because it has something to do with "you kids and your fancy interwebs"
And finally, from the "out of the mouths of babes" department, the following conversation took place between two young hornet fans. To protect their identities, I will call them "Jordan" and "Dallas":
Jordan: Did you see that play where the Campbell kid and Slater ran into each other and they called a foul on Brandon?"
Dallas: yeah, that was cool. The ball was flying through the air and they just smashed into each other.
Jordan: Good thing it wasn't last year, or Brandon would have got a technical.
Dallas: No! Slater would have karate chopped him!! Then jumped up and said "how you like me now?"!!
--this degenerated quickly with each trying to out-do the other with their version of SlaterMania. I believe it ended with Brandon slicing Campbell Memorial's Claxton LeBron in half with a light saber.
If you have ever been around those two....EVERY story ends with a light saber.
*not sure which player it really was, but I spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out how to work "Claxton LeBron" into the post....definitely best opponent's name of the year.
Kudos to the AD and a classy student section, the fires of my youth surfaced and it took some calming when I watched student after student from Campbell walk in front of our section taunting our kids.
Luckily I was on the other side chained to a squat rack, well not really but kinda.
The play on the floor spoke loudly enough and the students cheered rather than jeered so I guess the whole karma thing does have validation here.
Again respectful students respecting an AD that has great leadership for the athletic programs.
Props to a class head coach for his leadership and solid coaching to get the team together and overcome a one time 17-5 score. Not once did the coach lose composure.
In my distorted reality the turning point was when there was a fight for the ball which the campbell player won and ripped from one of the hornets which prompted the red devil section to cheer weightroom...which prompted me to try to get away from my chains, BUT our guys actually lift and lift hard - unlike what alot of basketball guys believe. I think Coach Spurgeon's leadership in the offseason and the dedication and commitment of the players is on display here.
I digress, well it seemed to me the team picked up the intensity as the chant was the slap in the face to the team to bring them back from their lull and get after it.
Hey, I knew things were picking up as a wild old river boat gambler who likes tight pants on baseball managers even gave me words of wisdom and hope in this recessed period - if that can happen then anything can happen and it did. Good job TEAM keep it going!
We are stardust...GO HORNETS
W. Sobchak
I felt truly sorry for the Cambell players.Not because they lost,for they are a great team and had a great season.But because of their below-average-in-the-class dept. fans(both student and adults)As soon as the game was over they all left.And those boys went to get their @nd place awards with only a handful of parents i would assume.Our parents,students,and fans showed alot of class applauding them.A great testament to the community I believe.
I'M SOOOO HAPPY FOR THE HORNETS!!!! WAY TO GOOOOOO DISTRICT CHAMPS!!!! Amazing job...amazing players...amazing coaching!!!
EC will play Newton Falls on Wednesday at the Field House. It will be the night cap after Cleveland Central Catholic and Orrville
Response to the news notes and observations:
I can understand the ADs dad in his confusion. I was lucky enough to have the play happen right in front of me. It looked like a David Copperfield illusion! It made me laugh at the probability of that actually happening. I can only assume that there were about 2000 people who turned to each other and said, "Did that just happen?"
Joe Cartwright is great. I believe that he is a silent killer. His in your face defense and ball handling are a joy to watch. Best 2 free throws of his career.
AS for Jordan and Dallas...every conversation should end with a lightsaber. Greatest weapon ever!
I did notice some of your hugs last a little long. One word...awkward.
Student section- Best performance to date. Next game- Get loud, stay loud!
The big guys continue to impress me. Josh, Stu, and Slater are a playing great and compliment each other well on the floor.
Very proud of our team. Great young men who are doing great things. Take time to enjoy it, I know we are.
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